Counseling for Young Adults

Merriam Webster defines an adult as “fully developed and mature”. Adulthood is the stage of life where society or parents expect you to know what you’re doing. Young adults are still trying to figure it all out. You may feel “fully developed and mature” in some ways but when it comes to relationships with others, jobs, or careers you may feel less satisfied. Many adults are still trying to understand where they fit in the world. Others have been struggling with depression and anxiety for a long time, and now understand the importance of getting help.

We help guide you past the unwanted negative feelings towards personal relief.
— Home Again Counseling

We can help You overcome the following challenges

  • Anxiety

  • Panic Attacks

  • Social Anxiety

  • Depression 

  • Grief and loss

  • Stress

  • Dating and relationships

  • Isolation, or being “a loner”

  • Impulsive behavior with spending money or engaging in risky behaviors

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Hating job

  • Family relationships

  • Coping skills

  • Traumatic events (please see our page on trauma counseling)

We Are Here to Help

Individual Counseling

We hear a lot that you only go to counseling if you’re crazy. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Mental Health is not the same thing as mental illness. Individual counseling provides a non-judgmental and safe space to gain healthy coping skills to overcome stressors. People go to the gym to become healthier. Think of counseling as a “mental health gym” for your social-emotional wellbeing.

Online Counseling

Are you moving off to college or did you just start a job that requires travel? No worries. We provide online counseling services using a HIPAA compliant platform with bank-level encryption and security. Online counseling can provide the benefits of traditional office sessions through the convenience of a computer or mobile device.

Want to Book a session with us?

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a parent of a young adult and I want them to get counseling. What do I do?

No problem! Due to your child being over the age of 18 and confidentiality concerns, we have a financial agreement form that is signed by the parent and client saying the parent agrees to pay for the session. If the adult client wishes for their parent to be involved in the counseling process then a release of information needs to be signed.

I travel a lot, can I still receive counseling from you?

As long as located in the state of Florida, we can provide services through our online counseling platform. Individual counseling, in person, can also be provided if you come back home for a break.

If I use my parent’s insurance, do they have access to what we talk about in therapy?

No. We take the laws of confidentiality seriously. However, the primary insurance holder could see when benefits were used and which provider used the benefits. If the primary insurance holder calls us to get information about your counseling, we cannot give that information out without a signed release of information by you.